Innovation & Partnership


The roster at Real Time Security boasts the best security personnel available in the industry. However to bolster our already proficient staff, we have partnered with Aeroaeon Avionics to provide UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) support to our security and administrative personnel. This alliance integrates drone surveillance systems with real time security. This means our workforce works vis-a-vis with these drones which is constructive in covering more ground in surveillance and reporting any unusual occurrences. UAVs have become a staple in the law-enforcement agencies which constantly update and refine their methods to meet the ever dynamic needs. The drones aid the crowd-controlling practices by providing a wide field of vision of a large group and dispatching it in real time to the personnel. With state-of-the-art cameras, the drones can zoom in on a domain of interest and provide valuable intel to the team about the situation in that area. These UAVs are crucial in providing the services in situations of urgency as they can span a thousand acre search in just 5 minutes. Our partnership with Aeroaeon Avionics has been really fruitful in polishing our practices and creating a larger safe space for our community.

TrackTik And Real Time Security

At Real Time Security we pride ourselves on providing our clients with not just the best security service in the industry but also with valuable data that corresponds to incidents, location of security personnel, response alarms, doors being unlocked and payroll data. We have been able to do this all thanks to our partnership with TrackTik which is one of the world’s best security workforce management software. TrackTik is a well acclaimed firm based in Canada which provides an end-to-end software for security service management. TrackTik provides a vast array of data to our clients which is helpful in reducing training costs, response times and helps in overall better management of our personnel. The tracking software provides real-time data to our support administrators who monitor the data and work with our security crew to increases efficiency. The software is uncomplicated and can be equipped in the smartphones of the personnel and our clients. TrackTik has been highly instrumental in streamlining not just the security service but has also made the whole management model frictionless and easily accountable.