Construction Security Services

Construction sites are central locations for valuable heavy and light machinery and raw materials which makes them a focal point for external threats like robberies and unwanted tampering of materials. A high degree of security and safety is crucial for these locations which is tailor made for them as most construction sites vary from one another. Our security crew have been adequately trained to provide safety to these sites round the clock and with great dexterity. There is a provision of the staff and visitor log where all entrants to the site are thoroughly assessed and evaluated and their presence is logged in a database that is available to our administrators and the client. Apart from this our security personnel patrols the whole site to ensure safety of the staff and the proper upkeep of the heavy machinery. This process is made more efficient by the provision of quick response to any alarms going off as the guards are notified in real time as any emergency takes place.

Retail Security Service

Store owners and proprietors face one of the highest theft rates and security hazards in our country. It can be a herculean task to run a business and keep your store and storage unit safe at all times from the various threats retail stores face. Real Time Security ensures that your business stays safe from thefts, fire hazards, and any kind of social disturbance. The deployment of security guards ensures that shoplifters, burglars or any violent situation get nipped in the bud. The guards are well equipped with First Aid training and Fire Hazard Training in case of any emergencies in and around the store and show rapid responses in case of any alarms going off. Your business in the ever-safe hands of our personnel will never face any security threat and will continue to bloom under your supervision.

Financial Sector Security Service

Financial institutions are in the business of the safekeeping of your money and giving out loans and other storage facilities for your valuables. However this makes them a primary target for theft, burgalaries and heists which can hurt an institutions reputation and also put your hard earned money in jeopardy. Therefore, it is imperative that the financial sector be provided with the best possible security available in the market. At Real Time Security we ensure that your income and investments are never under threat as a result of the extensive security services we deploy. We ensure the place is under surveillance round the clock with trained administrators surveying the video feed and working in concordance with our security guards to report any irregularities. The guards are placed at every entrance and exit where visitors and staff are thoroughly assessed. Deployment of patrolling guards also provides an extra layer of security and they are quick to respond to any alarms going off. In addition all doors in the bank are kept track of by our tracking software which also presents the location of all the guards to our security administrator and our clients.