Event Security Guard Services

Every entertaining event entails a proficient security force that ensures the well-being of the audience and of the organizers. 

Real Time Security provides highly proficient security personnel that specialize in crowd-control, traffic regulation, restricted area regulation and security for the organizing staff.

 We provide competent services for small-scale and private events to events larger in scope and magnitude

Fire Watch Security Guard Services

Real Time Security provides Fire Watch Security Guard Services to protect you from potential fire threats or any break outs that might occur in your organization. Our personnel are well-trained and swift to respond and work in concordance with the local fire department to stamp out any potential fire threats. The guards are highly competent in identifying fire hazards, securing the affected area and in the maintenance of the fire suppression apparatus.

Healthcare Security Guard Service

The healthcare staff of Ontario and the patients they tend to deserve the best available protection and care. Focusing on the provision of medical aid along with the security services for the hospitals and clinics can become a herculean task for many hospitals and healthcare organizations. Real Time Security provides safety services that ensure the well-being of the medical staff and the patients in and around the hospital. The security force is acquainted with the functioning of the hospitals and provide ample security support to ensure the smooth functioning of the healthcare services. Additionally, the staff is well-versed with First Aid and CPR procedures which will help in reducing the overwhelming workload our healthcare staff often face.

Concierge Security Guard Service

Real Time Security dispenses Concierge Security Guard Service with our highly trained security personnel doubling up as proficient customer service representatives. The guards are prepped to be extremely professional with our clients and make them feel comfortable along with providing them a sense of safety. A great emphasis will be placed on front-of-the-house duties executed by our staff and satisfactory assistance will be provided to our clients. The Concierge Security Guard service is provided for hotels, office spaces, corporate events, private events and residential establishments.

Video Monitoring Services

Video Monitoring around the clock aids the security services offered by Real Time security as they operate round the clock. The surveillance footage is manned by a team of our finest security crew who report any anomalies or potentially harmful occurrences to our security force. The video monitoring service is also crucial in providing evidence to the judicial system when required and offer a playback facility where evidence for any crime can be obtained by going through the recorded footage.

Mobile Patrol Security Guard Service

Our Security service roster includes a Mobile Patrol Unit to aid our security personnel which has the following benefits:

  • The Mobile Patrol service covers a lot of ground in a lot less time.
  • Any anti-social behaviours or threats can be brought to justice with much more speed and ease by the virtue of the omnipresence of our manned Mobile Patrol Unit.
  • The Mobile Patrol Service also serves as a swift response unit to any alarms that might be rung which is advantageous towards the escalation of emergency situations.
  • GPS technology ensures that the Mobile Patrol units are tracked efficiently, and additional support may be provided or sought from it during circumstances that require urgent assistance.
  • This service becomes a serious game changer as it covers areas that   CCTV cameras are unable to record.

Alarm Response Security Guard Service

The protection of our clients and their assets in any emergency situation is of paramount importance to Real-Time Security Services. We ensure exceptionally prompt responses to the vicinity of the triggered alarm system and provide the required assistance with efficiency.

These quick alarm responses ascertain that any potential criminal occurrences or any other emergency get nipped in the bud before they even get a chance to materialize.

The personnel are well-equipped to deal with any contingencies than may occur 24/7 and help you sleep like a log.